Inspirations: I hear my Bernina calling my name. Yes, indeedy.


McCall's 5592, copyright 1960

Well. I share good news. Great news, in fact. Andrew the Tile Guru told beloved hubby yesterday that he?s at the halfway point on the bathroom tile. Yippee skippee. I repeat: Yippee skippee. 

So. Guess what, my blog-reading friends?  I am dreaming of sewing again. Yes. I am. And this Hannah Troy design is one powerful inspiration. Alluring. Magnetic. Absolutely. Look at the neckline. Curvy lines. Plunging lines. Sexy. Yet graceful. Very. I see it in coral taffeta. The full-skirt version for night. Of course. For hours of unrestricted dancing pleasure.

For day, the hug-the-hips version in a charcoal wool. Perhaps single-faced. Perhaps crepe. Either would be irresistible. Completely.

Oh, Bernina, machine of mine, do you miss me?