Learning to sew: Seeking advice on working with knits
I recently signed up for a class on sewing with knits. (More on that class in a later post.) Alas, despite the small class size (two) and the easy patterns, neither of us finished our garment. In fact, neither of us even came close to completion. So. I have an unfinished knit top made from Simplicity 1849 (the teacher put her foot down and said the "Easy-to-Make" 1950s Vogue top pattern I wanted to use was too difficult. (Probably sound advice.)
Here's what I've done. (Well, I did sew in the back facing, but it seems all right.)
I don't like the way the faux wrap looks. It seems too long.
And what about the fact that the wrap-and-twist piece appears to be on the inside? Will that correct itself when the back and front are sewn together? How can this work when the front facing is on the other side of this piece and the bodice neckline finished? Is this a counter-intuitive thing ? to me, anyway? Ignore that. Now that I've typed it, it makes sense. I think.
This is exactly the way the top left the class. I haven't sewn a stitch on it since bringing it home.
The teacher told me to ignore the instructions because they were written for a serger, and I am using my Bernina Record. I want to finish this. I love the color, and I don't want this to be a wadder. I am so confused! I am.
By the way, I did learn more from Ann's knit video than I did from the entire pricey, three-hour class. Arrrggggghh.
Any advice or opinions would be most appreciated. And how.