Let the dust bunnies Charleston in all the extra space.

Yesterday, I held a garage sale. Yet another painful, dusty step toward decluttering. Toward horizons unknown when His Bertness lands that dream job. Heck, any job that keeps a roof over our heads and crunchy peanut butter on the table will be fine. Even if it's in South Dakota. Even. I understand layering really works. I'm skeptical. I am.

Mam_flapper_seamstress Anyway. For me, decluttering always reveals treasures. And one is this picture of L'Nora Goldman Calhoun. She's the babe on the left with the smile as wide as the Mississippi. Mam was quite the seamstress. I wonder if she ever made McCall 3929? So elegant with the dropped, scalloped waistline. Ladylike, yes. But sexy, too. 

And in case you were wondering ? you were, weren't you? ? I did not make much money at the garage sale. Some items did find new homes, though. And for that, an attitude of gratitude abounds. Really.