Textbook attire for teaching His Bertness to bake bread
Now, to really play the part of the small town baker, I should be wearing a fetching frock like Simplicity 2838, copyright 1948. It's a wrap dress - yep, decades before DVF - and it looks quite comfy. Perhaps not as comfortable as the yoga capris and top I am wearing as I write this post, but then, really, what is?
And please allow me to step up to the podium to extend a thank you to Shannon, she of the well-groomed fingernails and the blog I can't stop reading, Hungry Zombie Couture. Shannon wrote a fabulous post about some patterns she purchased at The Blue Gardenia. I know you'll want to see what she bought. Excellent taste has she. She has my vote for the best-dressed teacher in Canada. Absolutely.
And don't forget to stop by and check out our once-a-year sale. The skinny: Buy 3 or more items, get 33% off. Sale prices are good now, this minute, through midnight PST Thursday, January 7. All payments must be in my eager paws by January 9, 2010. As always, TBG takes American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, non-rubber checks and cold, hard cash.