And once again: Slow, slow, quick, quick, quick, ronde
Vogue Individualist 2311, circa 1990s
I?m not sure how it happened. But. It happened. The vacuum that is YouTube sucked up 52 minutes. Yep, 52 minutes. Minutes spent looking for just the right video to show you. Minutes that will never come again. Why did I allow this to happen. Why? Well, for you, dear, dear readers. Only for you. Naturally, I would never waste a moment ? not one moment ? watching dance videos on the Net. No. Not me. But. I wanted you to see it, the dance that has His Bertness and I trying over and over and over again, yet not quite achieving even the very lowest rung of mediocrity. That would be, yes, the West Coast Swing. The very dance that introduced us to The Binking Bunny. Thank you, Beth from upstate New York, for introducing me to that word.
So. I suffered. For you. And this is the video, dancing courtesy of Arjay Centeno and Tatiana Mollman, that best illustrates what we are working to learn. Work that will not be in vain. I know. Practice makes perfect, as the ubiquitous they says. And would they lie? Never.
However. One area I have much practice in is selecting the right outfit. And I think this Betty Jackson, with the 40s-flair slacks and minus the jacket, would be beyond fabulous for the WCS. Yes. I do. Tatiana, you're luscious, so, please, meet Ms. Jackson. You'll be great together. Like lemonade and maraschino cherries.