Inspiration Drive Chili recipe & an apron to wear while making it.


Ever have one of those busy Sundays? You know the kind: ten tasks and online Christmas shopping and a million other things as well? That was my Sunday. So. No time for my usual chili recipe, adapted by the former Houston Chronicle food editor from a James Beard recipe. It takes about four hours. No. I am not kidding.

I wanted something fast, something I could use with ground beef. So I adapted a recipe my mom had adapted from the Food Network. It turned out well. And it met my requirements of quick and easy. It takes about twenty minutes of prep and an hour or so to cook.

Inspiration Drive Chili

1/4 c. canola oil

2 pounds ground beef ( I used 95% lean New Mexico grass fed)

I medium onion, diced

1 bell pepper, diced

4 large cloves garlic

1 15-ounce can black or red beans, drained and rinsed

1 15-ounce can tomato sauce

1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes

2 cups beef or vegetable broth

Seasoning mix:

1/4 c. chili powder

3 T. flour

2 T. chipotle powder

2 T. ancho chile powder

2 heaping t. cumin

1 t. sweet paprika

2 t. oregano, smushed in your hands, then added to mix

For serving:

Sour cream

Fresh tomatoes, diced

Cilantro, snipped

Jalapenos, diced

Cheddar cheese, grated

1. Heat oil.

2. Brown meat over medium high heat, then add onions, bell pepper and garlic.

3. Cook till veggies are limp.

4. Add seasoning mix. Stir in well.

5. Stir in broth.

6. Add beans, tomatoes and tomato sauce.

7. Cook 45 minutes to an hour.

Garnish with sour cream, cheese, etc. Great served with cornbread. (Yes, those cute little kitty ears are our cornbread!)

So. There ya go. This makes 6-8 servings.

And now, you'll want to protect your clothes, of course, and I know, you McCalls-1781 style goddesses, you'll want to do so with a marvelous apron. Absolutely. I suggest McCall's 1781, copyright 1953. The flower pockets and front pleat definitely takes kitchen fashion to a higher level. If you are just learning to sew, an apron is a terrific project.

Of course, this pattern is available at The Blue Gardenia, where we are celebrating the upcoming launch of our new site with an End-of-an-Era Sale. And the discounts will have you smiling. And that is something we love to see!