Inspirations: I prefer the sewing pattern. So there.
Tonight, I played Dream Fashion. You know. You look at
collections. You decide what you?d buy if money was absolutely not a factor.
And, to be completely truthful ? which is, of course, my nature ? I was
disappointed. Quite. The designers let me down. With a plop.
I did find this ensemble at Donna Karan. She has a way with luxe fabrics and details with panache. But. The fuzzy wuzzy cuffs on the sleeves are too, too Las Vegas for me. Shouldn't that glitter be stuck on a showgirl's butt? Or perhaps teetering atop her pretty make-up counter head? What was Ms. Karan thinking? Give me classic. Give me sleek. Give me the patience to learn to sew! Please, sewing goddesses. I beg you. Very politely.
But. I have rambled off-topic. So unlike me. Forgive me. Please. I'll go back to
the DK design. Right now. This minute. The jacket collar is gorgeous. Totally. So are the chiffon trailings. But this just isn?t as fabulous as Simplicity
1855. Not even close. Look at the shoulder details. Don?t stop there. Let your eyes roam. Ogle the
pockets on the skirt that mirror the topper's curves. Oh my. Love it. Love it. The seam
that climbs up the sleeve to the sweeping yoke. Yeeeeoooooww. The scarf that simply cannot be
contained by the coat. I would make one tiny change: a slit in the skirt rather than the pleat. After all, a black stockinged leg is sexy. Very.
Now, imagine this ensemble in the wool and silk chiffon that Ms. Karan has used. Oh my oh my oh my. I?m getting goose bumps at the mere thought of it. Truly. Aren't you?