Inspirations: In the sewing room. On the dance floor.
If you read the Times today ? and I know you did ? you may have seen the review of the Natalia Hills and Gabriel Misse Argentine tango performance in New York on Thursday. Naturally, I had to rush to YouTube. Naturally. And naturally as well ? considering the breadth of videos available ? there they were. Sexy. Breathtakingly so. Gliding legs. Exquisite footwork. Absolutely.
Now. I want to wear Vogue Paris Original 1507 the next time I do the Argentine tango. (Of course, I need more lessons first, as does His Bertness. And then there's that little matter of learning to sew. Oh, dear. But. Mere pesky details. I will not let them spoil my reverie.) Vogue Paris Original 1507, designed by Gres in the 1960s, has an elegant yet sexy neckline. Gorgeous shaped seams. And it is cut on the bias. You know what that means, if you choose the proper fabric: Seductive movement. Oh. I love it. How. It looks grand on the dance floor. Yes. It does. I see it now.
And if you want to see Natalia and Gabriel dance, well, here you go. I'll make it easy for you. Naturally. So. Watch them. Now.
Have a tall, icy glass of water close at hand. I will not be responsible if your temperature soars to dangerous heights. I won't.