Learning to sew: I did it. Gulp.
I should be jumping. I should be skipping. I
should be turning lopsided cartwheels. I should be. Because I cut out my
fashion fabric. The real thing.
I am not jumping. I am not skipping. I am not
turning any kind of cartwheel at all. Because. Because I am not sure I cut the
fabric properly. The problem? The root of my apprehension? I used a vintage
fabric, only 39 inches wide, and Simplicity did not supply a cutting layout for
that width. Drat. Double drat.
Fiddlesticks. And all that.
Here is the method behind my cutting madness:
I folded the fabric horizontally, right sides together, placed the pattern
pieces face down, and cut. Cut. Irrevocable. Undoable. Eeeekkk. Get me a paper bag, please. I am hyperventilating.
Tell me this will work. OK? If not, tell me
what I should have done. The better to correct the mistake next time. I await
your learned responses, dear readers. Really. I do. I am on pins and needles.
(Yes, yes. Cheap pun. I know. Forgive me. Please. Just this once.)