Learning to sew: I'm so excited. I am. I am. I am. Really.

Friday, I had my very first sewing lesson in Albuquerque.  Nob Hill Fabrics, just a few blocks from my home, recommended
Nancy. And she came to my home! How convenient is that? We cut out the skirt of Simplicity Simplicity-2296 2296, copyright 1957. (You may recall that I started this project in Prescott, but we moved before I could finish it.) So. She held my hand. She kept my fears at bay. We worked on tailor's tacks. We worked on lengthening and shortening. And Nancy is charming. Delightful. She gave me homework: I must baste the dress and practice making darts before my next lesson. Practice makes perfect, they say. And Nancy agrees.

And I must thank blog reader Paula who suggested getting a teacher some time ago. It wasn't possible in Prescott. But in Albuquerque, recommendations can become reality. I love city life. I do.