See. Or be seen. This fits either bill. Easily.

Polynesian_pattern_jumpsuit So. There are those nights, aren't there? Those nights  when you feel slinky. Sexy. You feel good. You look good. You want to stay home. Now. This minute. But you could change your mind. You could. It's your prerogative. You might want to go out. In one hour. Or two.

What to wear? Ahh, the dilemmas one faces. The pesky dilemmas. You want something that won't pinch or bind while you're curled on your chaise by the pool. Something that will let the breezes blow cool on your skin. Something that will also look chic if ? when ? you decide to stroll into town for dinner. 

Polynesian Pattern 211 provides the perfect sartorial solution. Sassy enough to make his heart go boom-boom-boom. Easy enough for you to sit with one sandal-clad foot tucked underneath you. The solution. Truly.