Shameless plug: You deserve a Christmas present. You do.
Shall I share my favorites, the ones that have this little heart o' mine going pittter-patter-pitter-patter-pitter-patter? I shall. You know it.
In no particular order, here they are:
McCall 6370, copyright 1947. This bustle blouse is totally gorgeous. Totally noir. You could wear it for evening or for day. The important thing is to wear it. Absolutely.
And if you need an evening dress, of the tell-me-where-you go-it-now-or-else variety, then look no further than Simplicity 2229, circa 1930s. This one is not cut on the bias, but you could do so, if you dared. It's fully loaded as is, though. And since there are not one but two dresses in it, it's truly an investment pattern. Worth every penny. Truly.
Another outstanding evening dress, with a nod to style maven Madonna, is Vogue Designer Original 1605, copyright 1995. It's designed by Bellville Sassoon, and it is stunning, stunning, stunning, and ever-so-sexy, from its laced corset bodice to its flirty and full skirt. Imagine the rustles if you made it in a stiff satin. Love this one. Love it. Absolutely. Do you dare where it to the office Christmas bash? Mmmmm . . . I say, yes, go for it. Those nerdy co-workers deserve a treat. So let it be your Christmas present to them, Ms. Generosity, you.
And for your ladylike moments ? and I know you have them ? McCall 9366. So Grace Kelly. So very. Love the flap details. The stole. The slim silhouette. You could even make it out of silk shantung for a cocktail dress conversion. I want this one in my size. I do. Got it in a Bust 36 or 38? Call me. Do. And, by the way, in case you care, it's from 1953. Did I say this one has me salivating? It does. Really.
There are so many more marvelous patterns! I would not lie. I would not give you, dear, dear readers, false hope. I wouldn't.
Click. Shop. Enjoy. You've been good. You've been shopping, shopping, shopping for everyone else. Now you, my princess or prince, you deserve a present. Or two. Santa told me so. You have been good this year. So very, very.