She'll be snug and warm in this sleek cape as the wind blows cool.

Connolly_cape Ahhhh . . . fall is in the air. Cool. Brisk. And she so ready for it. It's her favorite season. The leaves, falling. The foliage, gold, camel, rust, red. She'll make something new to celebrate the season. A cape. Yes. She knows they are all the rage this year. Or so say the glossies. Not that she cares. She has her own style. Individual. Unique. However. She loves capes. She fancies retro. She adores Sybil Connolly. Especially Vogue Couturier Design 1125. The details. Like the silhouette. Like the double darts on the shoulders. The cut of the pants and skirt are stylish as well. Quite. Yes. This is the one. She'll find the perfect cashmere and sew it next weekend. Joy. Glee. Excitement. She loves patterns. She loves dressmaking. She can barely wait. 

And yes, this pattern is available at The Blue Gardenia. The information: Vogue Couturier Design 1125 Cape, Skirt and Top. Bust 40. Complete with VCD sew-in label. Skirt and top neatly enlarged. 
$25. So. There ya go. Let those lovely fingers walk on over. Quickly.