We underestimated. We did. May we atone by extending the sale?


Beloved readers and customers, I do so apologize that the new site isn't up today. I am so disappointed. I am. I hope you are looking forward to the new site as much as we are. The good news is that we are very close. The other good news is that until it's up, you get to continue purchasing patterns at a huge discount. Now, that's a nice New Year's treat, right?

When His Bertness first told me he could have the site up by January 1, he anticipated that our website designer had done more work on the site than he had. Alas. He had not completed basic tasks that our previous site designers had. (Yes, I do wish we had gone back to our old designers, but we hired local, because we wanted to support someone we knew. In his defense, our local designer has a demanding day job and designs websites on the side. That's a full platter in itself. To add to that, he is an artist and that is his first love. It is his priority. As a creative type myself, I completely understand that.) Add to that the fact that His Bertness took the first four days of his vacation to to relax and recharge, so he'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when he goes back to his day job, which is his priority and which he loves. So. We chose the designer. Bert chose to take time off. And we take responsibilty for those choices.

So. Please forgive us. Be understanding. I beg you. Take advantage of our New Year's gift to you: The extension of the sale. Our atonement for so completely miscalculating.

There are so many things I want to talk about today, rather than apologizing. And how. Perhaps I will post again later on another topic. After all, it's a new year, and a new day, and our new and improved site will be here very soon. Enjoy the sale till then.

You might choose the lovely dress or jumper and blouse pattern above, Butterick 3751. I love it. Indeed, so much I want it in my size. I'm a pushover for dramatic collars and sleeves. Which you know.

The sale skinny:

End of the Year / End of an Era  Sale!

Now through Midnight (PST) January 7, 2014

Spend $100 (before the discount) ? get 20% off.

Spend $200 (before the discount) ? get 30% off.

Spend $300 (before the discount) ? get 40% off. 

Spend $400 or more (before the discount) ? get a whopping 50% off.

Payment is by PayPal only, 

except for established customers, who may arrange for payment  by check.

Yes, you may buy gift certificates for that special someome ?

offering sales rates honored through January 2014.