Why, yes, I did sew this weekend. But rituals first.


Note the vintage linens. Estate sale find many years ago. Note the salad, the pork chops ? yes, fried, just the way we Southern dames like 'em ?  and note the cake. Yes, the cake! Today, we celebrated the birthday of His Bertness.


He blew out all the candles. Good boy!


And we did eat the daisies. At least a few of them. But you, observant readers, will notice His Bertness extinguished all the candles. Each and every flame put out. Absolutely. I think that means he gets his birthday wish granted. I am thinking he wished for gainful and rewarding and well-compensated employment. I am hoping that wish is fulfilled very soon. Yes indeedy.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for an expose on my adventure this weekend with the Sewing Dominatrix. You don't want to miss it. You don't. I would not lie to you. Really.