The Blue Gardenia
Just sewing along: Ogle the details on a '50s Gertie-style coat! October 24, 2012 09:40
I know. The details don't show up well in this picture. Black! The bane of neophyte snappers. This is my ace sewing teach Leslie, wearing a coat that was a gift from her mom-in-law. (Now, that's a mother-in-law who deserves a very nice and pricey lunch, doncha think?) Very similar to Gertie's sew-along coat. (Although I do prefer Gertie's cuffless sleeves.)
This close-up shot may show some of the neat detailing along the hem. Piping! So classy, so elegant, so unusual. Really sets this design apart.
Leslie, by the way, will be teaching a holiday cocktail party dress class
at Nob Hill Fabrics, so if you live in the ABQ-Santa Fe area, do sign up. Details here. You may choose Gertie's sexy design, Butterick 5814. Love this dress. I, of course, am using a real vintage pattern. Surprised? I know you are! I'll share that pattern with you later, natch. One day, though, I'll tackle this Gertie design. It is the cat's. Totally.
Just sewing along: My Gertie coat muslin bodice has a muffin top. October 21, 2012 13:23 9 Comments
I am — as often — lagging in my sew-along garment. This time, the Gertie Coat Sew-Along. I am not pleased with the fit. Not one bit.
I think the front darts need to be brought toward the center a bit. Agree?
The back seems a bit puffy. What do you think? How do I fix this?
This is a lovely design, and I want it to fit well. Please share your experience and ideas! Please, please, please.