Possibilities: Another candidate for this novice June 15, 2008 17:46 3 Comments
Butterick 2664, circa 1960s
At first glance, it’s boring. But take another look. Think Jackie Kennedy. Think Michelle Obama. Add a necklace with fake pearls the size of bottle caps. Add a vintage ‘80s Donna Karan wide black belt. Or wear it plain and simple and unbelted for optimum ventilation on sweltering summer days.
So, yep, you’ve put two and two together and come up with four. This is another possibility for my beginner’s garment. The pattern envelope promises quick ‘n easy. Do you think that applies to wannabe dressmakers or to those with Claire Shaeffer-level stitching skills?
Terri Moreno Gelbaum on May 20, 2015 12:08
Hello Darlin’, sounds like you’re going through the beginner’s blues. The only way to fix it is to get right back on to that horse, I mean, that dressform. You can do it. Just be patient with your self.
Sue Lamphere on May 20, 2015 12:08
I am a Jackie O fanatic! Until I “discovered” B.G. I couldn’t find enough of her classic, timeless elegance style anywhere. Happily, I have now made several Jackie classics and I love wearing them and getting compliments on them. I buy all my Jackie dress patterns from B.G. This one, I gotta have. It would be a lot easier than you think – definitely go for this in linen or cotton to begin with. Dont sweat the zip – it’s really not that difficult and usually there are full instructions on the pattern.
Still Life in Buenos Aires on May 20, 2015 12:08
I think this dress is fab for long waisted women. Very danceable.
Do you plan to post any of your finished projects?