And the winner is . . . July 3, 2008 16:32 2 Comments

For your viewing pleasure, I offer a line drawing of Simplicity 2925,Simplicity_2925_detail
the Chosen One, as requested by many of my treasured readers. (I love you, each and every one, yes, all five of you, even those of you who had no wish to see this drawing.) In addition, you’ll see the fabric for said garment — a luscious aqua silk-linen that I ordered from Leandro Fabrics ( via long-distance, after much quibbling and hemming and hawing and general over-the-top indecision (thank you, Hope, you ever-so-patient fabric goddess). They’re having a half-price sale at the moment. So, naturally, naturally, I ordered fabric for several frocks. And yes, I quibbled, hemmed and hawed and was maddeningly indecisive over each fabric choice (bless you, Hope).

For those of you wise readers who warned that I should not use good fabric: I promise to make a muslin out of something cheap.Fabric In fact, the muslin fabric was very cheap, and I've already washed it. I am that eager! I am quivering with anticipation. Or perhaps terror is causing the trembling. Mmmmm.

Anyway, as I watched the last half-hour of The Young and The Restless, my favorite televised guilty pleasure, I could not help but note that femme fatale Phyllis (men are my granola) Newman wore a dress similar to this Simplicity number. It was, natch, out of a figure-loving fabric. Just so you know.