The cure for the lower back sewing blues? Could be. August 5, 2008 02:22 5 Comments
So. I have decided I must get a sewing table. Must. Absolutely. A total necessity. Just ask my back. Ask my inner perfectionist who is very unhappy with jagged cutting lines. I perused the internet in between dealing with The Bathroom Drama, Part 3. (Won’t bore you with that ongoing saga today. But it could happen tomorrow. You just never know. I know you’re looking forward to staying informed. Right? Bated breath. Etc.) And while this gateleg table, courtesy of Martha Stewart, isn’t exactly beautiful (Martha, Martha, Martha, so unlike you! You’ve let me down, babe), it meets my budget requirements. It also looks like it would be easy to use for cutting. And Beloved Hubby can build it to suit, which means taller than 30 inches. What do you think? Any experience with this design, wise sewers? You can view a detailed description by clicking here: I think I'd like His Bertness to build mine counter height. Tell me whatcha think. Please. Bated breath. Etc. Really.
Doris at Threads of Conversation on May 20, 2015 12:09
You will love having your cutting/pinning surface at the correct height. Counter height is perfect for me, I’m 5’8". Maybe google ergonomics to find the correct height for your build? Or check out the book Creating Your Perfect Quilting Space by Lois Hallock. Appropriate for any kind of sew-er, not just quilters!
Petunia on May 20, 2015 12:09
Well . . . I’m happy with my counter-island cutting arrangement & don’t have the extra money or space for a cutting table. Plus, years of watching my mom using the kitchen table have put me in the frame of mind of not needing anything extra. But, that’s just me. I’d love to have a whole house devoted to sewing and crafts but my family might object. :) If you have space, money etc, why not go for it?
Denise Calhoun on May 20, 2015 12:09
I wish I had a counter-island. Alas, I have a small kitchen with little counter space. If I cut out on my counters, one end of the fabric would be on the stove; the other in the sink! I think hubby can build this table economically.
Mary in FL on May 20, 2015 12:09
Here’s my sewing table, which my DH made taller than the kitchen counters:
Denise Calhoun on May 20, 2015 12:09
Oh, that is totally cool. It must make sewing a cinch. Love the sewing room, too. And what a cute pooch!