His Bertness sweats. Emma licks the camera lens. Life is perfect. September 1, 2008 19:43 2 Comments
So. Recall when I complained about bloggers with camera-ready lives? Perfect houses, perfect pets, perfect living rooms, perfect hubbies, perfect selves, etc. I know you do. How could you forget one teeny word from my lips? One minute detail of my life? Of course you couldn’t. Of course. And if you can, don't tell me. Let me live in denial. It will be my warm winter cloak.
Well. Naturally. I thought to myself: Stop complaining. Take action. Do something. Something. Now. But what? I don’t want to battle dust bunnies. They can be so unruly. They can. They defy me. And spider webs are art. Right? But there must be something. Some little thing that I can do to improve my life. But what? I puzzled. I pondered. And I decided the first step is to clear out clutter. Yep. You know. The journey of a million miles begins with a single step. Just one. Or something like that.
So. The first step. Moving many boxes of books, books that have lived contentedly in their boxes since we moved here nearly ten years ago, to our storage unit. This involved more work for Bert than for me. He sherpa’d. I took pictures of his toting and sweating. You can see he was less than amused by this division of labor. He looks downright crabby. But. What can I say? Taking photographs is hard work. Really. Getting the composition just right. The lighting. And the camera is heavy. Ummm hmm. My biceps feel firmer already. They do. I can feel them bulging.
Oh. That is our trusty steed, the Bronco II, in the foreground. A wedding gift from my parents. After all these years, I still love it. Smarmy hearts and butterflies alert: After all these years, I still love His Bertness, too. Perhaps even more now than on our wedding day. (Are you gagging now? I'm sorry. Or maybe you need a box of Puffs? I have plenty. I will share.)
I also had to keep our little canine friends away from the door. And from licking the lens. That’s Emma. Beloved and beautiful Malamute. She gets up early every day to put on her eye liner. Very influenced by Liz as Cleopatra. This pic does not show her gorgeous looks to their advantage. Oh well. Maybe next time.
And this is Henry Jones. Half Lab, half Great Dane, all attitude. If he were a dancer, his favorite dance would be the paso doble. (And, yes, that is my muslin in the background. Alone. But not forgotten. Rarely a day goes by that I don't think of it.) Isn't Henry handsome? He's the most. Just ask him.
And, of course, sewing intervened. In a way. We found this treasure in one box. It’s from 1939. If you’re good readers — very, very good — I’ll share some secrets with you. The tips are worth the sacrifice. There's more information about pressing. And ironing. Is that thrilling? Your hearts are beating faster in anticipation. Right? Say yes. Yes. It's the right answer.
Brooke on May 20, 2015 12:10
I’ve been good! I deserve secrets! Um, unless we are talking about following my diet. Then…not so good. Or getting my sewing actually done rather than dreamed about. That has been…kinda bad actually.
Ok. I am not good. But I am sure if I had some secrets I COULD be good. Maybe.
mom2fur on May 20, 2015 12:10
Yes! I’d love to hear some of those old-timey sewing secrets!