Shameless plug: We've got style if you want it. And you do. November 20, 2008 09:10

Are you in the mood to sew? Are you in the mood to look stunning? Simplicity_1860_30s_coat

Are you in the mood to wear an ensemble no one else has? Well. You are in luck. Because why, you ask with breathless anticipation and perhaps a wee, tiny bit of skepticism. Because. The Blue Gardenia has just added patterns! Yep. It's true. And not just any pattern. Not any of those dull suburban hausfrau rags. No. Outstanding patterns. Stupendous patterns. Patterns deserving of the highest superlatives. Perfect for the party season patterns. Perfect for the cold weather patterns. A few of my favorites:


Wanna channel Myrna Loy? Then do not miss - I repeat: Do not miss the Simplicity coats. Yep, that's right. Not one, but two Simplicity coats that are smart enough for Nora Charles. Two. I'm so excited.

Sleek and sexy and drapey evening gowns. Several. Just imagine: You're a chanteuse. Leaning against a piano. Gazing coolly at him. And him. And him. You stun. You amaze. You ensnare. You are it, babe. It.


A Vogue Couturier that is the cat's. Totally. Completely. This is VCD_115_1950s_pattern what Betty Draper should be wearing when she goes to the city. Not those boring suits that give tweed a bad name. Not those drab house-wifey numbers with the can-cans out to there. She is a former fashion model. After all. She looks like Grace Kelly. After all. Didn't she see Rear Window? Didn't she?


1930s bed jacket - just in case you plan to lounge in bed while he fries your eggs. Let's hope he doesn't burn them in his haste to get back to your bedroom.


1940s McCall that is so feminine. It's got flowers and bows. Flowers and bows. Oh my. Is that too much? Is that over the top? Nah. I think not. It is an apron. It can be frilly. It can be saccharine. Sickeningly so. If that's what you want.

You'll also find new in 1920s, 1960s and Children. Yes. His Bertness and I have been working oh-so-hard.

So. Rush right on over. Shop, shop, shop. Then shop some more. And if you're feeling frugal, remember, you can reuse a pattern. They are so economical in the long run. Really. Truly. I would not steer you astray. I wouldn't. Because I'm your fan.