Oh, sure. I should have been shipping orders today. Should. Should. What a guilt-inducing word. Don't you hate it? However. I did not ship patterns. I did not sew. I did not manicure my brittle, chipped nails. I did not even attempt to frighten the dust bunnies. I didn't.
Instead, I loafed. I did. (Cheap pun intended. Forgive me.) All due to a Baker's Banter post on baguettes. And the fact that my favorite local bakery is closed for the holidays. And I made gumbo. So. Baguettes were necessary. Absolutely. Must have French bread with gumbo to ensure that no roux is left in the bowl. Bread is not optional.
This is the first time I've ever attempted baguettes. And I was a bit nervous . . . all right, extremely nervous . . . because I could not find instant yeast here in Prescott, AZ. So. I substituted rapid-rise yeast. Still. The dough rose. And though the bread wasn't nearly as good as Pangaea's, it was quite tasty. Quite. And pretty. Doncha think? I think I'll make more. After I finish shipping.