My zipper has been drinking. March 9, 2010 10:43 5 Comments
Saturday, I spent the afternoon with Marticia, the Sewing Dominatrix. I worked on a simple A-line skirt. I was so happy, so pleased to be making a garment at last. But, dear readers, the joy, the excitement I felt over sewing (finally!) was tempered by the look of my zipper.
The stitching is crooked! Crooked. Drat. Taskmistress Marticia insists it is because I did not pin the zipper in right on the seam. What do you think? Should I give up on centered zippers completely and do a lapped zipper instead? Do tell. Share your thoughts. I want my next zipper to look better. Absolutely.
Ellen on May 20, 2015 12:15
Hmmm, looks like you basted it and everything, but since you do the stitching from the right side, I’m not sure why this happened.
I had a bad day with zippers, too… only mine was an invisible one (the zipper, not the day). Must be something in the wind.
Gabriella on May 20, 2015 12:15
I think that for a beginning zipper, this one is fabulous. If this is your starting point your zippers will be fab and professional looking in no time.
Mary in FL on May 20, 2015 12:15
That zipper insertion looks better than most RTW clothes. You do know that … ?
Practice will perfect your skills.
For a center slot zipper (which is what this appears to be) I baste the seam area where a zipper goes, tape the zipper onto the inside of the seam, and center a piece of tape on the outside. I then stitch around the tape on the outside, tear off the tape pieces, and continue assembly.
Denise Calhoun on May 20, 2015 12:15
That is absolutely brilliant! Thank you.
Sarah on May 20, 2015 12:15
I hope your zipper will share whatever it has been drinking with me!
Looks like it’s time to undo and redo. I have been having more success lately with handpicked zippers. They are not as scary or as tedious as they sound.