Where, oh where can my UFO be? March 21, 2011 04:30 5 Comments
Drat. I've done it now, Ollie. My sewing mojo came to life this week like an iris leaf peeking its head above the soil. (No one is more surprised by this than I am.) So. I decided to tackle my Mad Men pencil skirt again. Remember it? Alas, I cannot find it anywhere. I've looked high. I've looked low. I've cleaned out my dresser. I've straightened my closets. No MM skirt. Not here. Not there. Not anywhere.
So. Tell me, please: Has anyone else lost a UFO?
Sarah @ ColorKitten on May 20, 2015 12:26
I have! I lost a dress for my daughter — cut out, covered buttons finished, ready to go. I found it about 9 months later, and thank goodness it was a smock-ish a-line because she was just two and growing like a weed. Finished it and it still fit. (The whole project was in a bag, which had fallen behind a piece of furniture in the dining room and was trapped against the wall).
Hope you find your skirt soon!
Lindsay on May 20, 2015 12:26
Not a UFO, but I lost the very first piece of embroidery that I completed. It was lost for an entire year! I finally came across it when I was cleaning out purses that were buried deep in my closet. I had stashed it in there after working on it at my mom’s house and then promptly forgot it was there! I’m sure you’ll find your skirt eventually. Good luck!
Marticia on May 20, 2015 12:26
Last I heard (a number of moons ago) it was on the “dining room” table. . .
Summer (Our Heroine) on May 20, 2015 12:26
Which time? Most memorably I lost a robe muslin for my now ex-boyfriend. I did find it. Finished fitting it, just in time for the relationship to end.
I’ve lost patterns, too. I trace or draft a lot of patterns on tracing paper and either roll them up on top of an armoire or hang them flat in the closet. One time I was clever and slipped a few under the rug and forgot. Now I try not to be too clever!
Denise Calhoun on May 20, 2015 12:26
Summer and Lindsay, you give me hope. I know it’s here. Somewhere.
Marticia, I moved it because I like to keep the dining table clear (as opposed to the breakfast table, which is piled high). The question is where?