Can living green and making muslins co-exist? September 16, 2011 09:01 11 Comments
I've finished my muslin, and I will tell you that I found it immensely helpful. I think a muslin — for beginning sewists like me, at any rate — prevents mistakes. Even though constructing a muslin and getting the proper fit is time-consuming, I know it's a step I'll continue to take. But here is my question: What does one do with the finished muslin? I try to live green — as much as possible — and I don't see any option but to toss the muslin. Any ideas?.
Ellen on May 20, 2015 12:29
Good question. My muslins are in a heap in a basket. I always think I’ll scavenge them for parts to other muslins, and never do.
Lauren on May 20, 2015 12:29
i use the bigger parts of the muslin for smaller parts of future muslins :) leftover scraps (or pieces of muslin that get smaller and smaller until they are unusable) get dumped in the scrap bag & donated – there seems to be a thriving market here for fabric scraps.
sarah on May 20, 2015 12:29
Most places that accept donated clothing will also take textile scrap (that isn’t too tiny), since they end up shredding a lot of the clothes they get anyway. If you know of a clothing dropoff (the bins, usually) you can call and ask if they take them.
Lia on May 20, 2015 12:29
hmmm, always a challenge. I tend to use old fabric I pick up at random op shops. Old sheets etc. I believe this way they have already had a reuse and repurpose so I am not totally wasteful. Also I use old muslins for rags for cleaning, stuffing in boots/handbags to keep their shape when storing, practicing new sewing techniques like buttonholes or zippers.
magdamagda on May 20, 2015 12:29
excellent question (and challenge)…! I like to think so. I have a tailor’s ham version filled with textile scraps and I am planning some other projects that imply textile filling – I am very bad at letting things go to waste:)) but on the other hand I gather and gather fabrics and scraps and make plans..LOL
Magda ᵔᴥᵔ
Amy on May 20, 2015 12:29
Yes, definitely! I make all my muslins out of thrift store sheets instead of buying new fabric. I usually save them because I make all my alterations to the muslin instead of cutting the pattern piece, and then I can use it again later for reference. I also make “wearable” muslins pretty often.
Lakaribane on May 20, 2015 12:29
I’ve not made as many muslins as I should but, like Lia, if I can reuse them, I do.
I also make shoe stuffers and assorted bags for small objects, patchwork pillows (the part you stuff with foam, I mean), cleaning rags, dog bed lining/stuffing etc.
K-Line on May 20, 2015 12:29
Oh, that’s a tough one. I try, as often as possible, to make wearable muslins (with knits that’s easier). I also try to make my patterns a few times after I “perfect” them, to maximize the usefulness of the muslin. But, after the project, unless I need to keep it for markings, I do throw my muslin away.
Vicki Kate on May 20, 2015 12:29
Mine get repurposed into other bits of muslin. Or into something else altogether (a ham and seam roll most recently). But only if it’s actual calico or muslin. If I use thrifted sheets (although currently I’m using some old curtains from a caravan awning to make mock ups of garments) then they do get binned unless there’s a nice big bit that I could get a smaller bit of another pattern out of – ie bits of skirt can be re-cut into bits of waist band…
Lauren on May 20, 2015 12:29
I keep my muslins and either use them for quilting or my husband uses them as rags when he’s working on his car.
jax black on May 20, 2015 12:29
what about cutting them into strips and making a rag rug out of them calico can be a great colour for a light living room or bedroom.