Learning to sew: My hand-picked centered side zipper. March 20, 2012 15:04 8 Comments
And here it is, in all its puckered, flawed glory. I'm not really sure why it does that. Perhaps I stretched the fabric? Perhaps I pulled the thread too vigorously as I sewed?
Also, you'll notice the zipper gaps a bit in some places. And then there's the top of the zipper. Pass those Puffs, please. I worked hard on this zipper. Hours and hours. I won't cry. It is, after all, my first side zipper. At least it opens and shuts with no problems.
Should I rip it out? Or try to improve next time? Do, please, share any tips to make this — and my next side zipper — look more professional. I beg you.
ParisGrrl on May 20, 2015 12:31
I agree with A.J.A’s comments, and would add that it helps to either chalk a guide on the right side of the fabric (on equal sides of the machine-basted seam) to help keep your picking lines straight, or you can also use a low-tack tape like painter’s tape as a guide. These get faster and easier as you do more of them!
K-Line on May 20, 2015 12:31
I’m with the chorus. You will have a dramatically better result with the next try (unless the fabric can’t take it – so make sure it’s hearty enough to try again). Zippers are a tough one to get the knack of. I don’t think the concern is as much the uneveness of the fabric around the zipper (which probably wouldn’t be noticeable on wearing), it’s the puckering that you need to fix. Otherwise your garment will start to hang wonkily very quickly.
Also, tape or chalk lines will really help, I agree.
Denise on May 20, 2015 12:31
I love the tape idea. My pattern called for centered zippers but did not give any tips on how to do them. Now I remember that the couture sewing teacher used tape, all those years ago.
AJA, can’t wait to see the dress!
Ellen on May 20, 2015 12:31
Hmmm, while those others are probably right, I wouldn’t rip it out. Handpicked zippers are really, really, really in there good, and you don’t want to damage the fabric. It’s on the side, and honestly, no one will know any better, and you can learn from this one, and do better next time. Maybe practice putting zippers in on some muslin.
And remember, what’s that saying… perfection is the enemy of good enough.
Ellen on May 20, 2015 12:31
Oops, one more thing… no one will be looking at your zipper as closely as this close up photo either. ;)
Valerie on May 20, 2015 12:31
Move on—your zippers will get better as you sew more clothes. A good pressing takes care of a multitude of sins as well. Make as many mistakes as you can, and learn from them. Most of all—have fun!
Melina Glasson on May 20, 2015 12:31
On a seperate note, I love that fabric-where did you get it? It’s gorgeous! You certainly don’t want to damage it, but if you do rip out and reinstall the zipper, maybe use another thread colour that’s not so obvious as well?
Velosewer on May 20, 2015 12:31
I give you full marks for developing this skill.